Gabriel & Lorraine

Drawing People Close to the Heart of God

Inspiring Faith is a ministry that was founded to, well... inspire faith! We desire to ignite the hearts of those we meet to go deeper in connection with God's heart, no matter where they are on their journey with Him.

Inspiring Blog

Tarsus, Turkey | The Birthplace of Apostle Paul

Lorraine Marie Varela

Are you inspired to visit the biblical sites and historic cities in Turkey? Come with us on a life-changing adventure!

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Paul spent many years in Tarsus after his dramatic conversion. Scholars believe it's here that his vision (2 Corinthians 12:2-4) and supernatural experience took place.

The Biblical Significance of Tarsus

The Biblical Significance of Tarsus

Tarsus is famous for being the birthplace of the Apostle Paul, a significant city that dates back to the Bronze Age. Hittites were first to settle in this region. The word “tarsus” is thought to be derived from a Hittite word which denotes one of their pagan gods. Other rulers followed—the ancient Assyrians, the Persian Empire, and Alexander the Great all added to the history of this city before it came under Roman rule in 103 B.C.

Paul returned to his hometown after meeting the Lord on the road to Damascus, where he was blinded by a great light. God blinded his natural eyes for a few days so that his spiritual eyes would be opened to see. Some scholars believe Paul's vision and supernatural experience (2 Corinthians 12:2-4) took place while here. Paul remained in Tarsus for many years before Barnabas came to retrieve him and take him to Antioch, where they both would be commissioned for ministry.

The Church of Saint Paul was built in the 12th century, with frescoes of the apostles decorating the interior. This modest building with a simple architectural style is now a museum for pilgrims.

Key Verse

Paul said, “I am a Jewish man from Tarsus in Cilicia, a citizen of no insignificant city. I beg you, let me speak to the people.”
Acts 21:39

Spiritual Inheritance

Spiritual vision and encounter

Points of Interest

  • St. Paul's Church and Well
  • Ancient Roman Road
  • Historic Tarsus Houses
  • Tarsus Waterfall

Points of Interest

  • St. Paul's Church and Well
  • Ancient Roman Road
  • Historic Tarsus Houses
  • Tarsus Waterfall

What to Expect in Tarsus Today


Tarsus was a significant Roman city and a thriving intellectual center in Paul's day with palaces, marketplaces, roads and bridges, baths and fountains. Very little of this history remains today. As Gabriel and I entered this modern city, we couldn't see any of the grandeur it once held, challenging us to see this biblical place from a spiritual perspective.


The distance between Antioch and Tarsus is a three hour drive. The route took us over a high mountain range, striking us with how challenging it must have been in the first century to travel between these two cities. It gave us a new perspective as we considered the effort it took for Barnabas to collect Paul from Tarsus and bring him back to Antioch to be with the community of believers there.


At Saint Paul's Church in the heart of the city, we found one of the most humble places of worship that has stood the test of time. Formerly a Greek Orthodox church, lack of community has prevented regular services, though local and international congregations are still able to congregate here. In the brochure provided, we learned that the church is now operating as a museum, but “pious Christians come here frequently for pilgrimage.” Since this was our first trip, we thought it was humorous we didn't feel we fit into the pious category. It's a clever way to encourage people to return. Maybe one day!


Outside the church is a paved walkway that winds its way through a tree-lined garden area. We were surprised to see so many ancient relics here—in the courtyard, in the garden, and in a former parking lot next to the property. Pieces of history that would be on proud display in any museum were left behind, placed on the ground with no one to admire or appreciate their worth. Turkey is a nation rich with treasures like these! 


Less than 5 minutes away is the location of Saint Paul's well, a site to commemorate Paul's birth in Tarsus, as is an ancient road from the Roman Empire period. The Old Tarsus Houses are another historic site in this area worthy of a visit, if you have the time. 

Tarsus was a significant Roman city and a thriving intellectual center in Paul's day with palaces, marketplaces, roads and bridges, baths and fountains. Very little of this history remains today. As Gabriel and I entered this modern city, we couldn't see any of the grandeur it once held, challenging us to see this biblical place from a spiritual perspective.

The distance between Antioch and Tarsus is a three hour drive. The route took us over a high mountain range, striking us with how challenging it must have been in the first century to travel between these two cities. It gave us a new perspective as we considered the effort it took for Barnabas to collect Paul from Tarsus and bring him back to Antioch to be with the community of believers there.

At Saint Paul's Church in the heart of the city, we found one of the most humble places of worship that has stood the test of time. Formerly a Greek Orthodox church, lack of community has prevented regular services, though local and international congregations are still able to congregate here. In the brochure provided, we learned that the church is now operating as a museum, but “pious Christians come here frequently for pilgrimage.” Since this was our first trip, we thought it was humorous we didn't feel we fit into the pious category. It's a clever way to encourage people to return. Maybe one day!

Outside the church is a paved walkway that winds its way through a tree-lined garden area. We were surprised to see so many ancient relics here—in the courtyard, in the garden, and in a former parking lot next to the property. Pieces of history that would be on proud display in any museum were left behind, placed on the ground with no one to admire or appreciate their worth. Turkey is a nation rich with treasures like these! 

Less than 5 minutes away is the location of Saint Paul's well, a site to commemorate Paul's birth in Tarsus, as is an ancient road from the Roman Empire period. The Old Tarsus Houses are another historic site in this area worthy of a visit, if you have the time. 

Why Christians Should Visit

Tarsus carries a wealth of spiritual inheritance. It was here Paul's foundation of faith grew after his dramatic conversion on the road to Damascus. Out of increase of spiritual vision and encounter, he was inspired by the Spirit of God to write nearly 25% of the books found in the New Testament. Come to Tarsus with expectation for a fresh experience with the Lord and a deeper encounter with Him.

About Lorraine Marie

Lorraine Marie Varela is an author, screenwriter, and professional photographer. She and her husband Gabriel are the co-founders of Inspiring Faith International, a ministry founded to draw people closer to the heart of God.

Lorraine Marie Varela is an author, screenwriter, and professional photographer. She and her husband Gabriel are the co-founders of Inspiring Faith International, a ministry designed to help people draw closer to the heart of God.

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