Gabriel & Lorraine

Drawing People Close to the Heart of God

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Inspiring Blog

Thyatira, Turkey | The Tolerant Church

Lorraine Marie Varela

Are you inspired to visit the biblical sites and historic cities in Turkey? Come with us on a life-changing adventure!

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Thyatira holds all the hallmarks of a classic middle child”—very fitting, as its letter lands right in the middle of the other messages to Messiah's communities in the book of Revelation. And yet, they received the longest letter of them all, filled with poignant significance.

The Biblical Significance of Thyatira


The Biblical Significance of Thyatira


Unlike other communities of its day, Thyatira had no acropolis on a hill from which to make a defense. Considered weak and unimportant, it was established by the King of Pergamum to provide a buffer from invading forces to his city on high, giving time to rally the troops before the enemy reached his walls. 

Thyatira was a blue collar city, filled with hard-working people who were required to join trade guilds in order to make a living. In the first century, it had more guilds than any other town in Asia Minor covering many industries, including those who worked with wool, linen, dyes, leather, and bronze. Each guild had to be approved by the Senate, after which they'd choose a designated god to worship. If you belonged to that guild, this god became your personal god. The God of Israel became the “guild god” for several trades, including dye makers and stonecutters. Feasts were held in the honor of these gods in pagan temples, which included drunkenness and acts of sexual immorality as worship. 

Most famous were its dye facilites, allowing Thyatira to become a center of trade in purple cloth (a color now known as “Turkish Red”). Purple was extremely important. Under the Roman class structure, colors revealed your rank in society. Only certain classes of people could wear purple: the Emperor, Senators, and Equestrians, who were members of the Roman calvary. It's no wonder that while traveling through Philippi, Paul and Silas met Lydia from Thyatira, a seller of purple cloth and a Gentile worshiper of God. Philippi was her target market—it was the hometown of Alexander the Great, and the location of a large Roman colony with a strong military presence. Through her guild, she had become a “God-fearer” (Act 16:14), allowing her to respond favorably to Paul's teaching.

In spite of its humble appearance, Thyatira holds a wealth of spiritual significance, especially as we “connect the dots” between their culture and the message sent to them in Revelation chapter 2.

To the angel of Messiah’s community in Thyatira write: “Thus says the Son of God, who has eyes like a flame of fire and feet like polished bronze: I know your deeds and your love and faith and service and patient endurance, and that your last deeds are greater than the first.

 “But this I have against you, that you tolerate that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess—yet she is teaching and deceiving My servants to commit sexual immorality and to eat food sacrificed to idols.  I gave her time to repent, but she refuses to repent of her immorality. Behold, I will throw her into a sickbed, and those who commit adultery with her into great tribulation—unless they repent of her doings. I will also strike her children with a deadly disease. Then all of Messiah’s communities will know that I am the One who searches minds and hearts, and I will give to each of you according to your deeds.

“But to the rest of you in Thyatira, who do not hold to this teaching and have not learned the so-called ‘deep things’ of satan—I place on you no other burden. Only hold firm to what you have until I come. To the one who overcomes and guards My deeds until the end, ‘I will give him authority over the nations and he shall rule them with an iron rod as when clay pots are broken into pieces.’

Even as I have received from My Father, so I will give him the morning star. He who has an ear, let him hear what the Ruach is saying to Messiah's communities.” Revelation 2:18-29

The message begins, Thus says the Son of God...” (v. 18). These words went straight to the heart of the pagan worship of the culture. Thyatira's chief diety was Tyrimnos, the son of Zeus (himself a diety). Another was the infant son of Domitian (a man who proclaimed himself god” and deified his son following his child's early death). In Psalm 2, we read the prophetic royal Messianic decree in which God declares, You are My Son—today I have become Your Father.” Let's establish who's the boss!

The message speaks the language of these hard-working people: I know your deeds...” (v. 19), I will give to each of you according to your deeds...” (v. 23), To the one who overcomes and guards My deeds until the end...” (v. 26). It gives a nod to Jeremiah 17:10: I the Lord search the heart and examine the mind, to reward each person according to their conduct, according to what their deeds deserve.”

The message closes with this promise to the overcomer: I will give him authority over the nations” (v. 26). Again, this is a direct reference to Psalm 2 where the Lord says, Ask of Me, and I will give the nations as your inheritance” (v. 8 ).

From beginning to end, this letter to Thyatira is clear in the message of Messiah Yeshua's supremecy as God of gods, Lord of lords.

The Seven Churches of Revelation

Community Reputation: The Tolerant Church

Correction Needed: Repent from tolerating sexual immorality

Promise Given: Overcomers who guard His deeds to the end will have authority over the nations


Marble remnants are scattered throughout the ruins found in the heart of Akhisar, the modern city of Thyatira.

Key Verse

“I am the One who searches minds and hearts, and I will give to each of you according to your deeds.”
Revelation 2:23

Spiritual Inheritance

Persistence and patient endurance

to hold fast to God's truth

Points of Interest

  • Thyateria Hill Tombs (ancient ruins)

Points of Interest

  • Thyateria Hill Tombs (ancient ruins)

What to Expect in Thyatira Today


Thyatira can easily be overlooked. We discovered this as we drove into the modern day city of Akhisar, looking for the ruins. With no parking spots in sight, Gabriel dropped me off so I could make my way to the site. Surrounded by tall buildings, apartment complexes, and boulevards filled with shops, it took some time to find the entrance. 

The ancient ruins are located here. There is not much left to see. Remains of an ancient basilica reflect the form of an apse, similar to church buildings, and the area contains marble remnants of columns, arches, and fountains. Scholars today do not believe the community of Thyatira mentioned in Revelation has yet been found. Most of the ancient city lies underneath modern construction.

Thyatira can easily be overlooked. We discovered this as we drove into the modern day city of Akhisar, looking for the ruins. With no parking spots in sight, Gabriel dropped me off so I could make my way to the site. Surrounded by tall buildings, apartment complexes, and boulevards filled with shops, it took some time to find the entrance. 

The ancient ruins are located here. There is not much left to see. Remains of an ancient basilica reflect the form of an apse, similar to church buildings, and the area contains marble remnants of columns, arches, and fountains. Scholars today do not believe the community of Thyatira mentioned in Revelation has yet been found. Most of the ancient city lies underneath modern construction.

Why Christians Should Visit

The history of Thytira is relatable—the poster child for a middle-class society, this city that was considered unimportant bears all the signs of being overlooked and misunderstood. Even its ruins pale in comparison to the treasures the other communities of Revelation hold. Though some tolerated sexual immorality and received a strong rebuke, this was the faithful community who served, who loved, who endured with patience . . . and who received authority over the nations! Wow!

Do you need to grow your capacity to love? Your desire to serve? Your ability to endure your current situation with patience? Come to Thyatira and receive a new impartation for the assignments God has placed into your hands. He's willing!

About Lorraine Marie

Lorraine Marie Varela is an author, screenwriter, and professional photographer. She and her husband Gabriel are the co-founders of Inspiring Faith International, a ministry founded to draw people closer to the heart of God.

Lorraine Marie Varela is an author, screenwriter, and professional photographer. She and her husband Gabriel are the co-founders of Inspiring Faith International, a ministry designed to help people draw closer to the heart of God.

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